My Works

Editorial Board and Reviewer

1.InSc-Institute of Scholars

2. International Journal of Creative research and thoughts

3.Science and Academic publishing .

4.Jounal of Waste Management and Disposal

5. International Journal of management and social studies .

6. World Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology under International Scientific
andTechnical Committee .

7.International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

8. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology.

 9. Journal of Materials Science and Nano Technology .

10 .Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Oncology

11. Journal of Nuclear Energy Sciences & Power Generation Technology.

12. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 

13. International Journal of Scientific Development and Research 

14.International Journal of  current Science 

15. International Journal of Law 

16.International Journal  of  Research and analytical Reviews 

17. International Journal of Statistics and Application 

18. International Journal of Textile Science 

19.SAJ Cancer Science 

20.American Journal of Economics

Reviewed articles

1. Violence against women in Italy : Understanding the recent dynamics after the impact of Istanbul Convention for International Journal of Statistics and Application . 

2.Sensitivity Analysis of Medium & High Energy Disperse dyes in Polyster Dyeing for International Journal of Textiles Science 

3.Analyzes of Phytochemicals , antimicrobial activities and mineral in the leaves of Adansonia Suarezensis Diego Suarez  for International Journal of Plant Research 

4.Lead time and its minimization for the Betterment of Bangladesh RMG Industry : A Review for International Journal of Textile Science .

5.COVID-19 and inequality building resilience against climate change for American journal of Economics .

6. Knowledge , attitude and practice of healthcare workers towards medical waste management : A comparative study of two geographical areas for Journal of Waste management and Disposal .

7. Sexual disorders in breast cancer patients in the Medical oncology department of Brazzaville University Hospital for SAJ Cancer Sciences  

8.How information and communication Technologies as an innovation helpers affects business performance : Evidence from Pakistan for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

9.A Review on Textile Dyes  for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

10.User Perception of services Quality , Privacy and Satisfaction for online Videos Streaming platforms in India . for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

11.Decentralization of Power Generation in Nigeria : An option to improve electricity Access especially in the rural Nigeria for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

12.Enhancing Labuau as Super-priority  Destination in Indonesia : Implementation of Place Branding Through Digital Platform as a form of Technological Advancement for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

13.Air -Jet texturing of Viscose filament yarn , impact of machine parameters on yarn properties and its testing methods for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

14.Disease Diagnosis by Nadi Analysis using Traditional Ayurvedic methods with portable Nadi Pariksha Devices & Web Application for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

15.Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV ) – A new Challenges for electronic forensics investigation for their Repositories . for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

16.Aspects of E-Prescription : Creation and Security for International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 

17.Plastic waste Generation and Source Separation by Teritary Students : A case study on a University Campus in Ghana for Journal of Waste management and Disposal

My Research works

Research Works

1.New Model-Bridge Between Smart Technology and Nature ,ISSN-2455-6211,International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 .

2.Labour policy-Future of Labour Society by implementing various steps to make secure and sound future for Modern Indian Labour Society ISSN-2455-6211,International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 .

3.Water policy-For betterment of water resources across the globe and India and its impact on socio-economic-political diagram , ISSN-2455-6211 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 .

4.Tribal Policy for Atma Nirvor Bharat-A policy for development and growth of India’s Tribal communities by providing all necessary needs with the help of scientific technology and financial strategies  ISSN-2455-6211 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 .

5.Role of Right to Information: A path towards the establishment of good governance, ISSN:2455-6211, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 , 

6.Eradication of Domestic Violence-Transforming Mind , Law and Ethics to make a Sustainable Healthy Society ,ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 .

7.Cyber Security-Modern Era Challenge to Human Race and it’s impact on COVID-19,ISSN-2320-2882, Registration Id-202093 , International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 1 .

8.Sustainable management of Biomedical Waste under current circumstances, e-ISSN -582-5208, International Research Journal of Modernization In Engineering  Technology and Science. Volume 2, issue 12/444486 .

9. Curtailment of Salinization by using different strategies to maintain Balance between Nature and Human Life, International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , ISSN-2320-2882,  Volume 9 , Issue 1 , 


10.Agricultural Policy-A new sun shining in Indian Economy by various new methodology  and advance Scientific Technology for better human growth , sustainable economy and secure Future. ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 .

11.Environment Policy-For better growth and development of Modern Indian Climate Heath by Introducing law, strategies and Scientific advancement towards climate related problems and it’s solution ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 

12.Transport policy –A new Horizon in road safety management and public transport quality by implementing socio-economic benefits by using scientific technical advancement ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 , Jan-2021.

13.Energy Policy-Wonderful steps for Modern India which will Improve energy service , Environmental development, social and scientific growth and socio-financial security for future. ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 , 

14. Contemporary  Development of new fangled  Kashmir  ,  Socio-economical   impact on  Historical Constitutional Changes . ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 

15. Health Policy-A golden sunrise for Modern India and it’s people by providing supreme health care facility and management by infrastructure changes , Innovative scientific Technology and medical advancement for better Life Care. ISSN-2455-6211 .International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific method, Volume 9 issue 1 , Jan-2021

16. Emerging Opportunities and threat to The  Indian  Federal Structure  ISSN-2320-2882, , International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

 17. Food security for sustainable development and hunger management in every socio-economic level to establish hunger free society ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

18. Railway Policy-Advance management of Indian Railway system to provide multidimensional profit related with healthcare to economy upgradation for railway passengers ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

19. Rural India –Analysing Contribution of Rural Sector in National Economy and development for maintaining peace and sustainability to provide good healthy Rural Life ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

20. The Future of Democracy and it’s problems and challenges towards Indian Constitution ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

21. Tourism Policy-A new Financial support towards economy by adding Historical and Heritage values , providing innovative changes in the Tourism Industry ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

22. Urban Policy-Combination of new age technology growth and sustainable management to upgrade economy , Bank , Transportation and health care to provide a prosperous life and humongous growth in Urban Civilisation ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

23. Examining the  mantle  of India in the regional peace process(South Asia) with special reference to Afghanistan ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

24. Caste System- A burning hazardous for social upgradation of modern human civilization across the country ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

 25. Disaster Management-A necessary subsidies for every population creating disaster related awareness , safety and security for promoting sustainable development for post disaster period ISSN-2320-2882,  International Journal of Creative research Thoughts , Volume 9 , Issue 2 .

 26. Revamping   of Digital India to promote a quality management in several sectors to maintain sustainable growth and management in India subcontinent   , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 .

27. Education Policy –to promote healthy social holistic education for better human growth and secured Academia Future International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

28. Electoral Reforms-The Road to strengthen Indian Democracy, International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

29. Economic Empowerment of the rural women –a key component to promote economic growth in South Asia and particularly in India , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

30. Forest Policy-To create green and less pollution free environmental growth with SDG goals in Future , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

31. A strong and  healthy Indo-Bangladesh Bilateral relation which creates economic  and socio-political impact over the Borders , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

32. A strong and  healthy Indo-Japan Bilateral relation which creates economic  and socio-political impact over South East  Asia  global power , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

33. Population –an emerging problem in Indian subcontinent and it’s impact on Socio –Political Economy , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

34. The Growing refugee movement in India and its impact on the economic , social and political life of the India subcontinent , International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research , ISSN-2455-2631 , Volume  6 , Issue 4 

35.  Climate Change: The Biggest threat to Modern  Human Civilization ,International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

36.  Human Development Index-A tool to reshape the economy , social and cultural sector to promote sustainable growth and development for all its citizens , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

37. IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON INDIAN FINANCIAL MARKET , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

38.  Analyzing the concept of Minimum Government and Maximum Governance. , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3


39.  Impact of National Interest and Global Responsibility on International Order, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

40.  Naxalite an emerging threat to Internal Security and Defence Policy for India . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3


41. Making India a Participatory Democracy: Making People a Skateholder in the Decision-Making process  , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

42. Police Reforms-Its merit and demerit over Indian Public Administration and its effect on Indian Civilization , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

43. Prison Reformation for providing criminal management and providing subsidies towards jail based criminals to transform them into a socially responsible citizens. 

 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN 2277-7881 , Volume 10 , Issue 3

44.Enzymatic Synthesis and Characterization of Quercetin occurring in Onion (Allium Cepa L.) outer Skin , International Journal of Current Biotechnology , ISSN 2321-8371, Volume 7 , Issue 12 

45.Machine learning-Based Framework to understand and overcome the resources management for healthcare environment , Efflatounia , ISSN-1110-8703, Volume 5 Issue 2

46. Fabrication of a Silk Hammering Machine Suitable for the Small-Scale Industry INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY, ISSN: 2349-6002, Volume 8 Issue 3.

47.Study on the production of Nano-Textiles from Casein using Electrospinning techniques , International Journal of Recent Scientific Research , ISSN : 0976-3031 Volume 12, Issue 8.

48.An Analysis on the status of women in Indian subcontinent and upgradation of Indian Law in providing safeguard to empower them , International Journal of Law , ISSN: 2455-2194 , Volume 7 Issue 4 .

49. Transportation law to meet the challenges of the growing roadways in modern India and provide safety for the well being of Human civilization , International Journal of Law , Policy  and Social Review . ISSN – 2664-6838 , Volume 3 Issue 3 .


50. A  Study on the Agriculture Sector and the Problems Associated with it which has an Impact on the Farmers, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

51. Public Distribution System – An Important Component for the Poor and Backward Classes to Have Access to Food . , International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

52. Rural Pedagogy – A Roadway towards a Bright Future with Economic Development and an End to Social Stigma and Poverty in Bharat. , International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

53. SDGs an Opportunity for India to Become Self Sufficient and Eliminate All Kind of Social Problems from the Society, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

54. A New Rural India Which Aims to Eradicate Poverty, Hunger and Unemployment and Move towards a Sustainable Development,   International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

55. Impact of Migration and Unplanned Development on the Urban Population, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

56. A Study on the Effect of Climate Emergency in Urban India and with Growing Population and How the Region is tackling it. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

57. A Study on the Role Played by Street Vendors in Our Daily Life and Impact of the COVID 19 on the Street Vendors. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

58. Effect of Poor Infrastructure and Lack of Framework towards Industrial Growth and Its Contribution to Water Crisis , International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470, Volume 5 Issue 6 .

59.Environmental Control of Plant Primary Metabolism :Exploitation of Plant Plasticity in Perennial and Tree crops , Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science , ISSN: 2581-7167 , Volume 6 Issue 4.

60.Impact of Cyber Law in Modern Era with Advance in Technology and Protection from rising threats of cyber crimes in our Socio Economic Sector , International Journal of Advanced Research , ISSN-2320-5407 , Volume 9 , Issue 09 .  

61. Contribution of the Agriculture sector to the economic growth of India with both being interdependent on each other. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

62. A study on how  Bangladesh Agriculture sector and rural development has become  a role model for other underdeveloped countries to reduce poverty and unemployment.  Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

63. A new hope for India to eradicate the problem of hunger and unemployment with its advancement in both urban and rural India, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

64. Momentous role played by rural financial house in improving the life of people and generating employment and adding to the rural economy, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

65. A critical analysis on the role of Indian women in the development world taking into account traditional values and system existing in the Indian society, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10 

66. Impact of growing population ,  urban rural migration and rapid industrialization on Urban slums and their future, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

67. A scientific study on challenges faced by women and girl child in the Indian society, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

68.Urban Health care system -A need to upgrade our health system which will provide hassle free treatment and maximum support . Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

69. Impact of caste system  and religion based discrimination on the rights of minorities in India in the 21st century Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ISSN- 2349-5162 Volume 8 , Issue 10

70. Food crisis – a scientific  analysis on the growing cataclysm in South Asia with rise in poverty and population, Institute for Technology and Research , Paris Conference .

71. Ramification of social laws in India  with growing social issues against women and children and the youth  and it’s effect on the future generation. International Journal of Law , Management & Humanities , Volume 4 , Issue 5 .

72. EFFECT OF AVOCADO ON CANCER CELL IMMUNOTHERAPY AND VITAMIN-B 17, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research , ISSN- 2277-7105 , Volume 10 , Issue 12 .

73. An interpretation on the new farms laws and its impact on the life of farmers and the agricultural sector, White Black Legal : The Law Journal , ISSN – 2581-8503 , Volume 2 , Issue 10 


74. Impact of environmental law in India with Climate change and environmental degradation emerging as a disaster for the human civilization. White Black Legal : The Law Journal , ISSN – 2581-8503 , Volume 2 , Issue 10 

75. An analysis on the new labour codes and its significance in bringing about a new paradigm for the future generations. White Black Legal : The Law Journal , ISSN – 2581-8503 , Volume 2 , Issue 10 

76. With rapid urbanization and  development  , what is the importance of land law in protecting the land of the  poor and rural people. White Black Legal : The Law Journal , ISSN – 2581-8503 , Volume 2 , Issue 10 .

77. A journey from being the richest to the poorest continental – a study on Africa’s health, education and agriculture sector, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

78. India needs to  strengthen its border management strategic to encounter cross border terrorism and illegal activities which  is affecting the internal Security , Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

79. Repercussions of religious  hatred in India subcontinent and the birth of communal violence over the centuries has Influenced  the secular character of India, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

80. A study on the Indo Pakistan relation since Partition and how over the years the relationship has taken a worst shape on the basis of religion nationalism, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

81. A scientific analysis on Japan’s technology progress  and success and how COVID -19 has affected the economic growth of the third largest economy, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

82. Latin America – From being the most urbanized region to the presences of inequality and social issues in the region has acted as a hurdle in the development. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

83. From a poor region to becoming the richest oil reserves in the world – an analysis on Middle East  struggle and the future of oil in the world, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

84. Impact of  the long lasting isolated policy of North East , with rise of insurgency and its effect on the entire country and national Security of India, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

85. Food waste  management a  roadmap to reduce food poverty and food lost with rise in climate change and poverty, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 

86. Vertical farming a hope for India to eradicate the crisis of food shortage, Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 10 .

87.Sustainable Agriculture : A move towards a healthier and environment friendly farming and a hope to reduce food poverty in India . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation  , ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6 .

88.A Scientific analysis on the crisis of poverty in India and its influence on the overall development of the country . . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth  Evaluation  ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

89.Organized crime a major crisis in India and its impact on Internal security . . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth  Evaluation , ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

90.Smart Village : A new Dynamic to end rural urban gap and move towards sustainable development for all . . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation , ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

91.An Analysis on the role played by the economy sector in upgrading  farming sector . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth  Evaluation, ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

92.The Future of Blue economy in India and its impact on the coastal region. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth , ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6  

93.Can renewable energy reduce the demand for crude oil : An Analysis . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

94.An Analysis in the housing estate in India in reference to the urban Slums and what is the current role of the economy sector to provide housing for all . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation , ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

95. The role of  telecom industry towards a new vision to make India Digitally powerful in the age of globalization , . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation ,ISSN : 2582-7138 , Volume 2 , Issue 6

96. An analysis on the E waste management system in the world in particular reference to India, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

97. Impact of the new textile policy and textile waste management system in India and a move towards sustainable management , International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

98. Can smart farming in India eradicate the problem of agricultural and crisis of food poverty from the nation , International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

99. An analysis on water management system in India and it’s repercussions on the  availability , International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

100. Smart city a vision of India to provide people with better lifestyle and move towards a sustainable development, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

101. An analysis on the ever increasing demand of crude oil and energy in the country and its impact on the  Indian economy , International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

102. Analysis of Enervation Conduct of Indian Maddar Natural Dye on Silk Fabric.

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

103. Study on Exhaustion Behaviour of Red Chili on Cotton Fabric. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

104. Comparative Study between R-Pet & Virgin Pet in Terms of Technical Aspect and Market Potential. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI

105. Understanding the Relationship between Plastic Waste and Climate Change with the Need to Move towards Sustainable Plastic Waste Management , International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , ISSN – 2321-9653 , Volume 9 , Issue XI .

106 . An examine   on the solid waste management system in Urban India and its impact on climate change, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

107. An analysis on the usage of Nuclear weapons across the globe and its impact on the power relation , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

108. An analysis on the Defence Technology advancement in India over the years, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

109. Can India be successful in Achieving a Digital Economy and its vision of Digital India : A case Study, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

110. Cyber warfare an emerging weapon of the 21st century and the biggest non violence threat to a nation, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

111. With advancement in technology and increasing cyber space industry, what has been the impact on the young mind, , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

112. With emerging climate Change  – what are the steps taking by the world and in particular by India to move towards a carbon neutral future,  International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

113. An interpretation on the usage of the most deadly weapons in the world and it’s consequences on the socio -economic -political sector, , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

114. A scientific understanding if the development of Indian Air Force and it’s challenge ahead, , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 

115. India needs to strengthen its maritime securing to prevent Internal threats and end organized crimes, , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,  e-ISSN – 2319-8753 ,Volume 10 , Issue 11 .

116. A scientific interpretation on China’s economic development and its control over South China Sea, International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

117. Understanding the relationship between Biodiversity and climate change and its overall impact on the flora and fauna life , International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

118. Covid 19 pandemic – an opportunity towards Digital India and its impact socio-economic conditions of mankind,  International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

119. An Analysis  on the outcome of Demonetization in India-Opportunities and Challenges , International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

120. Drug abuse – A rising culture in the society contributing to health crisis and opportunities for young generation , International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

121. Economy growth the fundamental  principle to employment opportunities , a case study of India, International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

122. Role of rural employment in the growth of Indian economy and the impact of rising unemployment on migration, International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

123. An analysis on the rise on terrorist attacks in India and its impact on communal harmony, International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

124. Urban-Rural Gap – India’s biggest hurdle from a socio-economic perspective to the development of the nation ,International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 

125. Water crisis- A  catastrophe in the globe world  , an study on how people are dealing with the problem of water scarcity, International Engineering  Journal for Research & Development , ISSN – 2278-067X , Vol 6 , Issue 6 


126. An Analysis on the Application of Herbal Nanotechnology in Treating Cancer cell, Asian Oncology Research Journal , Volume 4 , Issue 3 

127.An analysis on Animal cruelty in India for Different Economic and Social Purpose , International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11 . 

128.An Examination on the Reverberation of COVID 19 on the Socio-Economic Conditions of the people and a need to improve the Indian Health Care System , International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.

129.Can Green Economy in India Eradicate the Major crisis of Food , fuel and Finance crisis International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.

130.Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy , Politics and Society , its transformation and future aspects , International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.

131.Can the gap between the Private versus public schools and gender inequality provide education for all children . International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.

132.Gurukul System versus modern education in India – A Need for amalgamation of the two system to eliminate the crisis of illiteracy , economy and social problems of the society . International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.

133.Undertsanding the working of Banking System in India and with a shift towards digital economy and the rise of private banks , International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.

134.An Interpretation on the problems being faced by the tribal community in India and their solutions. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.


135.Can India’s Necklace of Diamonds strategy defeat the China’s string of Pearls , . International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.


136.Women Health in India a crucial area which requires attention and change in the outlook of society , International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics , ISSN -2582-7839 , Vol 2, Issue 11.


137.A Scientific understanding on the consumer issues in India and the laws Protecting them , White  Black legal : The Law Journal , ISSN – 2581-8503 , Vol 2 , Issue 11 .

138.Indian Coast region the easiest route for conducting illegal activities- an understanding , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9 .


139.An analysis on India Military development and Success over the years  .International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9 .

140. Growing Bilateral Relation between India and Russia in Different Sectors and emerging as  Global Powers . .International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9 .

141.What is the future of India China Relation with Growing Border Dispute and its influence on the Trade Relation . .International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

142.An Analysis on the growing India and Israel relation  and why India requires Israel .International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

143.FDI – A Great Opportunity for Indian Economy . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

144.A Scientific understanding on the growth and advancement in the economic sector since 1991 Economic Reforms . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

145.A need for India to invest more in the health care sector to provide better health services to its people after looking at the covid 19 casualty . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

146.The growing relation between China and Pakistan and its influence on India and its challenges ahead . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

147.What role BRICS has to play in International Affairs and its role in the economic growth of its member states.  International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Scientific Research and Innovation , ISSN 2582-9130 , Vol 1 , Issue 9.

148. ASSESSMENT OF CELLULARVIABILITY &CYTOTOXICITY AFTER CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT IN MURINEPERITONEALSARCOMA, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management , ISSN – 2395-5252, Vol 3 , Issue 12 .

149.Scientific application on biotechnology and biomedical sciences by screening  of plastic decaying bacteria from soil , International Journal of Recent Scientific Research , ISSN – 0976-3031 ,Vol 12, Issue 10©  . 

150. ASEAN a major success of Asian Nation and it’s impact on the economic development of Asia, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology , ISSN -2319-8753, Vol 10 , Issue 12 

151.Role of G20 countries in the economy development of under developed countries and in tackling the crisis of economic and climate change. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology , ISSN -2319-8753, Vol 10 , Issue 12

152.An understanding on North Korea problems and its threat of nuclear weapons. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology , ISSN -2319-8753, Vol 10 , Issue 12

153. What will be the future of Ukraine and Russia war – A case study and its impact on the Crimea . International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology , ISSN -2319-8753, Vol 10 , Issue 12

154. An examine on the relation between Middle East and Us since the demand of crude oil and control over oil refineries. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology , ISSN -2319-8753, Vol 10 , Issue 12.

155. A need for India to protect the rights of child and strengthen laws protecting the child to promote a future with radical thinkers , White Black Legal : The Law Journal , ISSN – 2581-8503 , Vol 2 , Issue 11. 

156.The journey of Europe towards sustainable development and moving toward a nature based solution for tackling climate change. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 12

157. Is India prepared to tackle the climate change with poverty and rise of population growing at a high rate and what steps it has taken to reduce climate emergency in the country. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 12

158. Racial discrimination is a major social issue in India which has resulted in communal violence among different caste and religion. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 12

159. The growing Naxalism in the country and the role of government to eradicate Naxalite. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 12

160. Left Wing Extremist – A major source of organized crimes, smuggling and Communal Violence in the country. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , ISSN (E)-2347-6915 , Volume 9 , Issue 12. 

161. Circular economy and waste management can together resolve the crisis of climate change and adopt sustainable lifestyle International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management , ISSN – 2395-5252, Vol 3 , Issue 12

162.Design & Study of Heat Sensitive Garment using Thermo Chronic Dye , International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management , ISSN – 2395-5252, Vol 3 , Issue 12 

163. AN EXAMINATION   ON PHYTOPLANKTON : SPIROGYRA DIVERSITY. International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

164. An interpretation on the rise of waste during the COVID 19 pandemic and its impact on the environment . International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

165.Study on Fibre Orientation Factors of Cotton & Linen Slivers . International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

166. Organic Waste reprocessing – Ample opportunity  for rural India , promoting better socio economic conditions and better quality of life . International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

167. Printing of silk fabric using natural dye (Tea , Coffee and Heena ). International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

168. An analysis on the rising water scarcity and the ongoing process of water waste treatment  in the world . International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

169. Study on Properties of Spiral & Corkscrew Fancy yarns produced by interchanging the core and effect component .International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

170. Industrialization and the beginning of Hazardous waste in the world , what is the current status of India when it comes to Hazardous waste – A conspectus. International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

171. Circular economy a roadmap for India to new dynamic opportunities, International Journal for Research & Development in Technology , ISSN 2349-3535 , Vol 16 , Issue 6

172. Women and the employment sector in India – A Review .World Journal of Advanced Research and Review , ISSN – 2581-9615

173. An analytic interpretation on the importance of India’s soft power in international cultural diplomacy over the centuries. World Journal of Advanced Research and Review , ISSN – 2581-9615

174. An analysis on the different insurance policy in India and its role in economy growth and providing people with better life opportunities. World Journal of Advanced Research and Review , ISSN – 2581-9615

175. Impactful role of women for freedom struggle in India and their contribution .World Journal of Advanced Research and Review , ISSN – 2581-9615

176. A study on growing Indian Economy in relation to the International Foreign trade. World Journal of Advanced Research and Review , ISSN – 2581-9615

177. The Colonialism and Post Colonialism Diaspora and its unique effect on the world culture over the years. World Journal of Advanced Research and Review , ISSN – 2581-9615 . 

178.Mechanical Properties of micro and Nano-Filler  content on Polypropylene Composites , Material Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER .

179 .Anti-Microbial and Wound Healing Properties of Leaf Extracts of Spermacoce Verticillata L ,Journal of Pharmaceutical International , ISSN – 2456-9119 , Vol 33 , Issue 59 A , 2021 .

180. Investigating mechanical strength of a natural fibre polymer composite using SiO2 nano-filler , Material Today : Proceeding ,ELSEVIER

181. Investigation on Mechanical properties of Bamboo and Coconut Fiber with Epoxy Hybrid Polymer Composite , Advances in Polymer Technology , Wiley ,
182. Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites Reinforced with Alkaline -Treated Natural Fibre , Advances in Polymer Technology , Wiley
183.Analysis of Environmental Emission Neat Diesel-Biodiesel- Algae Oil -Nanometal Additives in Compression Ignition Engines , Journal of Nanomaterials , Hindawi .
184.Analyzing the impact of machine – learning and art artificial intelligence and its effect on management of lung cancer detection in Covid 19 pandemic , Material todays , ELSEVIER .
185 . Impact of Globalization and Women’s work in the Beedi Industry , Tobacco Regulatory Science , ISSN 2333-9748 .
186.Comparative Analysis of Synthesis and Characterization of Silver nanoparticles Extracted using leaf , flower and Bark of Hibiscus rosasinensis and examine its antimicrobicidal activity ,Hindawi , Journal of Nanomaterials .
187. Valorization of Hazardous Materials along with Biomass for Green Energy Generation and Environmental Sustainability through Pyrolysis , Journal of Chemistry , Vol 2022 , Hindawi.
188. Application of nanotechnology to monitor agricultural parameters that promote health and nutritional crop growth in order to provide sustainable economic growth in Aatma Nirbhar Bharat , Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering , Springer Nature .
189. Study on induced aeration for fishery fields using floating SPV , Journal of Physics , IOP Publishing .
190.Investing Conventional Concrete using Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as a Substitute for Finer Aggregate . Journal of Physics , IOP Publishing .
191. Nanotechnology to design pharmaceuticals to target specific organs or cells in the body such as cancer cells, and enhance the effectiveness of therapy , Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results , Vol 13 , Special Issue 1 .
192. Involvement of cultural competence and ethical considerations in pharmacogenomic testing in community pharmacy, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results , Vol 13 , Special Issue 1 .
193. Synthesis and microstructure of propene-norbornene copolymers norbornene copolymers, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results , Vol 13 , Special Issue 1 .
194.Novel Computational approaches for investigating Bacterial inhibitors from Malabar nut Plant , Annals of Forest Research , Vol 65 , Issue 1 .
195. The New Work Culture of the Gig Economy – An analysis of how the gig economy is altering employment prospects and extending talent pools. E-Journal of International Relation , Vol 13 , No 2 .
196 . Role of Herbal Medicine, Acupressure and Acupuncture in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Acupuncture and Moxibustion – Recent Advances, New Perspectives, and Applications.
197 . Pharmacobotanical investigation on latex of manilkara zapota plant: extraction, characterization, and applications , Annal of Forest Research , Vol 6


1. Application No – 2021103283, Patent tile - Optimization of Tour Based Problem using Genetic Algorithm , Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

2. Application No -2021103242 , Patent tile - Detention of brain tumor with machine learning.approach. Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

3.Application No-2021103114, Patent title- A method and apparatus for self-aligned and automatically height adjustable apparatus for growing plants Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent.

4.Application No-2021102650, Patent Title- The Smart autonomous drone driven by solar energy. Type-Innovative patent , Australian Patent

5.Application No-2021102560, Patent Title - The Portable Abrasive Jet Machine. Type Innovative patent , Australian Patent.

6.Application No-2021102557, Patent Title- The concrete road by using additive Manufacturing Process . Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

7.Application No-2021102346, Patent Title- A system for controlling traffic based on artificial intelligence and machine Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

8.Application No-2021103916, Patent Title- Machine learning based obesity analysis for early detection of Heart Disease . Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

9.Application No-2021103711, Patent Title- Electronic waste management systems for practice. Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

10.Application No-201103997, Patent Tile- Artificial Neural Network Based Brain disorder Diagnostic System. Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

11.Application No-2021103555, Patent Tite- Machine learning based energy efficient smart. city management. Type- Innovative patent , Australian Patent

12.Application No-202141030202, Patent Tile- IOT based smart wearable suit for self heath assessment in post COVID era. Type- Innovative patent , Indian Patent

13. Application No-202141033359, Patent Tile- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning based early detection of cancerous cells . Type -Innovative patent , Indian Patent.

14. Application No-2021104265, Patent Title- IOT Based Production of Environment Friendly Bio-Fuel from Renewable resources , Type-Innovation Patent , Australian Patent.

15.Application No -2021104901, Patent Title- The Apparatus for artificial skin tactile sensor for prosthetic and robotic Method, Type-Innovative Patent , Australian Patent . 16. Application No – 2021104902, Patent Tile- A Human resource management system by programming language and database to implement the system, Type- Innovative Patent , Australian patent . 17. Application No- 2021105393, Patent Title- The privacy preserving block chain based federated learning for IOT Device, Type-Innovative Patent , Australian patent . 18. Application No-202141037223, Patent Title- IOT Based Enhanced Hybrid Mobile Mesh AD-HOC Wireless Network for Rebroadcasting of Data Packets , Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent . 19. Application No-2021101962 , Patent Title- Fabrication of Portable device for easy detection on newborn ringworm using deep learning , Type- Innovation Patent , Australian Patent. 20.Application No-2021100922 , Patent Title- Inexpensive Nail-Fold Capillaroscopy for early Detection of Cardio-Metabolic Disease, Type- Innovation Patent , Australian Patent. 21.Application No-2021105506 , Patent Title- The Apparatus and system for Smart Fire Fighter Device, Type- Innovation Patent , Australian Patent. 22.Application No-2021105505 , Patent Title - The Apparatus and system for advanced Fine Processing, Type- Innovation Patent , Australian Patent. 23.Application No-202141041799, Patent Title- Colpomenia Sinuosa based Biosynthesized Nanoparticles composition for Diabetes, Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent. 24. Application No- 202141041800 , Patent Title- Colpomenia Sinuosa Based Biosynthesized Nano Particles Composition for Anti-Tumor Activity , Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent . 25.Application No – 353602-001, Patent Title-Water Purity Farm Pad , Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent . 26. Application No – 203141048602 Patent Title -Vaccine for Leptospirosis and preparation method for the same - Innovative Patent , Indian Patent . 27.Application No -202141054386 , Patent Title -A method to extract phytochemicals , Amino acids and Vitamins from Marine Seaweeds , Type -Innovative Patent , Indian Patent . 28.Application No -202241006308 , Patent Title – A nanomaterial composition having magnetic properties , Indian Patent . 29.Application No -202241001185 , Patent Title – Cultivating Functional crops using Nano Organic composition and method thereof , Indian Patent . 30.Application No – 202111060718 , Patent Title- Green Biocatalytic synthesis of Nanoscale materials for Sensoristic and Biomedical Applications , Indian Patent . 31. Application No -29826353 , Patent Title Monitored Chemical Dispensing Device , USA Patent Website :

32. Application No – 20 2022 102 391 Patent Title – Polyherbal Formulation for Improving fertility , Type – Innovative patent , German Patent
33.Application No -29/830,472 , Patent Title – Smart Vest to Detect Fluid in Lungs , Type – Innovative Patent , USA Patent .
34.Application No- 29/842,274 , Patent Title-Silkworm Rearing Chamber , Type – Innovative Patent , USA Patent.
35.Application No- 202241050459 A , Patent Title – Smart system to identify and reduce water and soil contamination at source to manage yield , Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .
36.Application No - 202241064298, Patent Title - artificial intelligence based approach to analyse the factors that are associated with head and neck cancer , Type – Innovative Patent , Indian patent .
37.Application No -202241063573 A , Patent Title -Systematic Approaches for Genetic Analysis of Mushroom Formation for increasing the Mushroom Yield , Type – Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .
38.Application No -202221059600 A , Patent Title – Deep Learning Based Techniques for Analyzing the impact of various factors on hydro geo chemistry of ground water , Type – Innovative Patent , Indian patent .
39.Application No – 202221065622 A , Patent Title – Implementation of Classification Models for accurate classification of factors responsible for Gastric Cancer , Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .
40.Application No – 202211065327A , Patent Title – Artificial Intelligence approach to analyse the efficiency of photosynthesis of plants on the biophysics aspects of Agriculture , Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .
41.Application No – 202241065890A , Patent Title – Artificial Intelligence – based Techniques integrated with Drone- Based testing for analysis of Building’s strength located in a Hazardous Environment , Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .
42.Application No- 202241065133 A , Patent Title – Implementation of computer aided Molecular Design for improving the life span of cancer patents ,Type- Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .
43.Application No-202241069847 A , Patent Title – Systematic Approach for Analyzing the importance of Nectin-4 as soluble Biomarkers for the Detection of Cancer , Type-Innovative Patent , Indian Patent .


1.Dairy No- 21122/2021-CO/L , Title of the Work – Human Robotic interaction by using artificial Intelligences .(Indian Copyright .)

2. Dairy No-21318/2021-CO/L . Title of the Work – By using Vector Machine learning on Detection of Fraudulent sellers in online marketplace , (Indian Copyright) 

3. Dairy No-22532/2021-CO/L , Title of the Work -Effect of Aluminum nano particles and mechanical properties of medium density Fiber ,( Indian copyright )

4. Registration No – 1188350 , Title of the work – Impact on Industry 4.0 , Challenges , Solutions and Opportunities for Industries ( Canadian Copyright

Book Chapters

1.Book Name- The Perspective of India’s New Education Policy, 2020 , Chapter Name-Education for Awaking India Life-Policy for Holistic Education and Better Human Mental
Growth, ISBN -13:979-8570037946..

2. Book Name – Women Empowerment in India, Ancient and Modern Perspective , Chapter
Name- -Empowering Women in Contemporary India : A step towards Gender Equality

3. Book Name- Indian Diaspora, Literature Culture and Identity, Chapter Name- The incessant effect of Diaspora since partition in the Political ,Economic and Social sector

4.Book Chapter – National Education Policy 2020 , Meeting Sustainable Development Goals,
Chapter Name – Education: A fundamental component for Sustainable Development and
socio economic growth in the Modern Human Race . ISBN -978-93-90904-38-2 .

5. Book Chapter- Global Environmental Justice ,Chapter Name- Sustainable Development : An aspiration for Intercepting climate change , ISBN-978-93-90818-44-0.

6. National Education Policy 2020,Meeting Goals Of 21st Century Education Designing And Implementing An Integrated Curriculum  To Provide Educational Freedom For A Democratic Society By Modern Methodologies And Policies . ISBN -978-93-90903-55-9

7.Multi-Disciplinary  Research Book Volume 02, The Future Of Migrant Workers In India With The Rising Covid-19 Pandemic , ISBN -978-93-5470-767-4.

8.Role Of Basic Sciences In Modern Engineering And Education , Green Technology – A Roadway Towards Sustainable Living , ISBN -978-3-96492-295-3 .

9. Rejuvenating Environmental Studies , A Multidisciplinary Approach , Unplanned Development And Rapid Urbanization Impact  On The Environment , ISBN -978-81-949267-4-0.

10.Women And Womanhood  A Discourse On Multicultural Identity , Women Rights -Years Of Struggle Of Women For Their Human Rights And Creating A Place In The Society.

ISBN -978-81-949267-6-4

11.Research Trends In Multidisciplinary  Subjects , Volume -1 , Battle Of Afghanistan And Its Mark On International Security And Trade Over The Decades , ISBN -978-93-90996-66-7 .

12. Research Trends In Multidisciplinary  Subjects , Volume -1, Repercussions Of Bio Defence On The Political , Socio-Economic And Environmental Well Being Of Human Civilization , ISBN -978-93-90996-66-7.

13.Research And Innovation In Chemical Sciences An Approach Towards Qualitative And Quantitative Studies And Applications , Application Of Green And Environmental Chemistry For Hazardless Economical And Healthier Sustainable Development In Modern India , ISBN -978-93-91681-17-3.

14.New Perspectives On Commerce & Management , Volume -1, Repercussions Of COVID-19 Pandemic On Indian Wealth , ISBN -978-93-91669-09-6 

15.International Journal For Legal Research And Analysis A Scientific Interpretation On The Food Culture And Food Law In The Indian Sub Continent And A Need To Bring In New Laws And Ameliorate Our Food Processing Structure For The Sustainable Development Of Human Mankind . ISBN-978-81-948082-1-3

16.Social Problems : Conflicts ,Crisis & Challenges ,Analysis On The Social Issues In Particular Reference To Women And Girl Child And Its Impact On The Economic Development Of India  ISBN : 978-93-5506-119-5 

17.Food Culture Health And Sustainability – A New Paradigm ,  A Critique Analysis On Food Culture In India  In Reference To Ayurvedic Food Culture And Its Role In Achieving Food Security In India  ISBN: 978-93-91467-30-2 .

18.Role of Education and Culture in Nation Building ,  How rural development can play an impactful role through pedagogy and cultural empowerment in nation building. ISBN : 978-93-91467-23-4

 19.Current Research of Nanotechnology in Science and Engineering Volume  II  , Application of Lipid Nanoparticles in various areas by using advance scientific methodology techniques and inventions to empower modern human health care system for betterment of human race across the globe ,  ISBN : 978-93-91768-38-6 

21.Human Rights of Indigenous People Issues and Challenges in 21st century , Human Rights an alarming Bone of Contention in India , ISBN : 978-93-5506-229-1

20.Gender Equality : A Step towards Women empowerment ,An Analytic Review on the status of Women in the Indian society  , ISBN : 978-93-94460-05-8.

22.Women Empowerment in India : The Changing Scenario , An interpretation of the status of women in the Indian subcontinent and the various schemes introduced by the government for their empowerment ,  ISBN : 978-91-987622-5-7 .

23.the government for their empowerment ,  ISBN : 978-91-987622-5-7 .

24.Indian Constitutional values and Political Ethos , An analysis on the  Democratic nature of the Indian constitution and its impact on the people of India  – success, and failure 

ISBN : 978-93-91467-72-7 

25.Recent Trends In Life Sciences , In Silico Validation Of Protein Models And Evolution Analysis Of Trichophyton Fungi ,  ISBN : 978-93-5593-624-3 .

26 .Pistachios Cultivation , Production And Consumption , Pistachio Cultivation And Consumption For Sustainable Development ,  ISBN : 979-8-88697-063-0(E-Book )


28.Hospital and Pharmacy management “ Emphasis on Healthcare through herbs , ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF MEDICINAL PLANT IN FUTURE PROSPECTIVE IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ISBN: 978-93-94766-23-5 .


30.Tribal Development in India : Issues and Challenges, Sustainable development of the tribal community a pathway  towards Atama Nirbhar Bharat 

 ISBN : 987-93-91305-58-1.

31 . Plants & their Application in Different Fields , Remediation of plant growth stress caused by climate change with the use of nanotechnology and sustainable agricultural development, ISBN – 978-93-94894-27-3.9

32.Tribal Development In India : Issues And Challenges, Sustainable Development Of The Tribal Community A Pathway  Towards Atama Nirbhar Bharat 

 ISBN : 987-93-91305-58-1.

33 . Plants & Their Application In Different Fields , Remediation Of Plant Growth Stress Caused By Climate Change With The Use Of Nanotechnology And Sustainable Agricultural Development, ISBN – 978-93-94894-27-3.7

34. Plants & their Application in Different Fields , An analysis on how plants and agricultural waste can be used to produce sustainable fibre and lower environmental pressure, ISBN – 978-93-94894-27-3.

35.Contemporary Research in Environmental science , management  ,IT , Pharmaceutical & Social Science ,  Impact of Pollution on Environment and Health : A Qualitative Investigation .ISBN : 978-93-92591-60-0.

36.Current Development in Biosciences & Agriculture , An examination of agriculture’s advanced development through the use of technology and science, as well as its role in combating food insecurity. ISBN: 978-93-90863-26-6 .

35.Life Skill education , Life Skill Education – a requirement for human development.

 ISBN : 978-93-5506-202-4 

36.Recent Trends in innovations in Chemical and Biological Sciences II , Analysis of different medicinal plants and their application in modern medico pharma industry, ISBN : 978-93-91768-73-729.Tribal Development In India : Issues And Challenges, Sustainable Development Of The Tribal Community A Pathway  Towards Atama Nirbhar Bharat 

 ISBN : 987-93-91305-58-132

Edited Books:-

1.Human Rights issues and Challenges in Global Politics , ISBN -9781685763442 ,IIP publication


1. Security, Education Research & Innovative Conference (SERI),

2.11th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management & Circular Economy & IPL Global Forum 2021.

3.1st International River Congress, 2021 by SAIARD .

4. Summit on Smart Innovative in the Post-Pandemic Era by ASCI & CIPS .

5. National Conference on Netaji and the Indian National Army , Tillotoma Foundation

6. National Convention on Aatma Nirbhar Bharat: Series of Memorial Lectures organized by IIPA.

7. Online Conference on Sustainable Clothing and Textile Recycling by Recommerce,

8. International Conference on Science, Social Science and Economics, Paris France by Academics World .

9.International Conference on International law , Foreign Affairs & World Politics by Center for American Studies .

10.5th International Conference on recent trends in Bioengineering ,2022 , by MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research .

11. 2nd international legal and policy conference on the future of transport by NALSAR.

13.5Th International New York Academic Research Congress 2022.

14.1st International Conference on Human Rights and Gender Justice in the 21st Century by Narayana School of Law , Global Narayan Singh University , 2022 .

15.15th International Education Leadership & Skill development Summit 2022 Driving innovation and inspiring minds through Industry Academica Alliance .

16.International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Material Sciences” (ACMS-2022) by IICHE .

\17. Understanding COVID-19 to Prepare for the Next Pandemic,

hosted by Nature Conferences 

18. 2nd Annual ReEnergy Africa Summit themed “THE FUTURE OF ENERGY IN AFRICA: Digitalisation and Key Technologies to Accelerate Decarbonisation in Africa”. 


20.International conference on strengthen the economy of SAARC nations  through resource mobilization By SAIARD .

21.US-Indo-Pacific conference by CSIS 

22.Forum on Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation (FEED 2022) by AEEE.

23.Conference on Hindu Thoughts on Ethics , Law and Justice  by INDICA 

24.Virtual Screening of 3rd Edition of National PSU Summit , 2022 .

25.CGHE : Annual Conference 2022 : Higher Education Knowledge in a Plural World  by Center for Global Higher Education .

 26. AppScicon2022  organized by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology , West Bengal .

27.The African Union @ 20 : Addressing Peace & Security Challenges  by ISDA .

28. Conference on Chemistry of 2D Materials by Nature .

29.4th International Conference on Advancement in Green Energy , Environment and Pollution Control by IRDCP . 

30.Can America lead in Asia ? A CSIS -NABEA Conference.

31.Virtual conference on  Making the energy  of tomorrow Possible Today , Asia -Pacific by SIEMENS Energy 

32.11th International Seminar on Family Law , changing Perspectives , Contemporary challenges and Solutions by Kerala Law Academy , 2022 . 

33.5th International BASKENT Congress on physical , social and health sciences .

34.6th International Congress on Life , Social , and Health Sciences in a changing world . 

35.International Paris Conference on Social Sciences – VII , Paris France , by Institute of Economics and Social Research . 

36.2nd International Conference and Buyers Sellers meet on Medicinal Plants used in lifestyle Products  by Jadavpur University , sponsored by National Medicinal Plants Board . 

37.3rd International Conference on Recycling & Waste Management ,2022 by Conference Mind 

38.International Seminar on Changing Dimensions of Media Law by Kerala Law Academy Law College .

39.Virtual Conference on   Quad -Cohesion or conflict ?by GPI .

40.4th International Conference on Food , Nutrition , Health and lifestyle 2022 ,Future & Emerging trends for 2022 in Nutrition , food and Health by TIIKm.

41.Virtual Cancer and Immunology Summit 2022 by Select science.

42.13th International Seminar on the Role of Judiciary in controlling Maladministration – A Comparative Study by  Kerala Law Academy , 2022 .

43.14th International seminar on exploring new frontiers in space law , policy and property by Kerala Law Academy , 2022 .

44.2nd International Azerbaijan Congress on Life , social , health and art science 

45.4th International conference on New education policy by International society for research 

46.International conference on Peace , Prudence & Prosperity by Apeeja Stya University 

47.International Ege congress on social sciences & Humanities , Ege university , Turkey .

48.6th International BASKENT congress on physical , social and health sciences .

49.International conference on Significance of Technology in empowering Tribal community of India by JNU .

50.International ARTEMIS congress on Life , Social , Health and Sports science .

51.EGE 6th International Conference on Social Sciences .

52. 6th International Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials by International Society for Research .

53. International Energy days by Siva Cumhuriyet University 

54. 11th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress

55. India & Southeast Asia in a changing World : Convergences and Divergences 

By CHRIST (Deemed to be University )  ,Delhi NCR Campus

56.3rd  International Mountain and Ecology Congress of Sustainable Development

57. International Conference on Advanced Trends in Renewable Energy ICATRE 22 

BY  ,Centre for  Renewable energy.

58. 3rd International Conference on Applications of Natural compounds, Nanomaterials, Oncolytics in Cancer Biology and Biotechnology (ICANNOCB-22)” organized by School of Life Sciences and Association of Cancer Education and Research (ACER), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, India in association with Purdue University, USA.

59.7th International BASKENT congress on physical , social and health sciences.

60.3rd International Azerbaijan Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences by BZT Academy .

61. National Conference on Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology ( NCEIB -2022) 

by  Department of  Biotechnology , Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped Awadhpuri , Kanpur.

62. 12th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Circular Economy & IPLA Global Forum 2022.

63. 3rd International Conference on Biofuel and Biomass  by Conference Mind.

64.2nd International ARTEMIS congress Humanities and Social Science by BZT Academy .

65.Karadeniz 11th International Conference on social sciences  .

66.43rd All Indian Criminology conference organized by Indian Society of Criminology and WBNUJS , Kolkata . 

67.International Multidisciplinary Conference on Gender Medicine: Global Perspective on the Entanglement between Biomedicine and Socio-cultural and Political Constructs .

68. Dr Rajendra Prasad National Convention on Repositioning India @2047 : Goals for Nation Building by Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) . 

69.EGE 7th International Conference on Social Sciences .